This massage full massage consists of a contouring board (paddle), cubed roller, enraged roller, smooth roller & cup. It's designed to help you eliminate the unwanted excess fat and water retention that cause swollen feet and the appearance of cellulite.
The mechanical action we achieve by using the paddle activates the lymphatic circulation to eliminate toxins and fat.
That is why the wooden rollers and paddle are traditionally used in Maderotherapy (Madero – wood) which is a completely natural and very effective technique that stimulates the lymphatic drainage and consequently helps eliminate cellulite, while at the same time destroying fat cells, thereby improving the flow of blood and lymph throughout the body. And results? Swollen feet are past and your skin will become firm and smooth again.
- Can help eliminate cellulite after 5 treatments
- Can help eliminate swollen feet
- Can improve blood circulation
- Can help eliminate toxins and fat from the body
- Natural anti-cellulite therapy.
- Contributes to the wellbeing and relaxation of the whole body.
- A deeper form of massage that helps to improve the balance of energy, release stress, and relieve muscles and joints from pain.
- Made of 100% natural wood.
- Exceptional quality and strength of wood ensure long-lasting use.
- Suitable for salon and home use.